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Psychologist Ali Şahin

Bachelor’s : Boğaziçi University, Psychology
Doctorate Ibn Haldun University, Clinical Psychology PhD Candidate
Working Areas : Adult, Child and Adolescent 
Modalities&Techniques : CBT

During her undergraduate education, she completed her voluntary internship at Istanbul University, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Department Polyclinic. He also worked as an undergraduate assistant at Boğaziçi University Infant and Child Development Laboratory and Family and Child Research Laboratory for one year. His academic interests include social anxiety, depression, OCD, and the relationship between morality and personality traits and psychopathologies.

He is currently in the course period of the Clinical Psychology Integrated Doctoral Program at Ibn Haldun University and works as a teaching assistant at the university. He also speaks good English.

Psychotherapy Trainings and Workshops

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy / Prof. Dr. Hakan Turkcapar
  • Advanced Psychopathology Training / Prof. Dr. Medaim Yanık
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Children and Adolescents / Prof. Dr. Nusret Soylu
  • Child and Adolescent Psychopathology Education / Prof. Dr. Mucahit Ozturk
  • Traditional Islamic Based Psychotherapy (TIIP) Module 1 / Dr. Hooman Keshavarzi