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Psychologist Esra KEÇECİ



Boğaziçi University, Psychology



Ibn Haldun University, Integrated Clinical Psychology Doctoral Program

Working Areas


Adolescents & Adults

Modalities & Techniques


CBT, ACT and Solution Focused Therapy

Esra is at the competency stage in Ibn Haldun University’s Clinical Psychology Integrated Doctorate Program (a special program where master's and doctorate programs are carried out together). Her academic interests include depression in adolescence, suicidal thoughts and behavior, psychotherapy and supportive services, and acceptance and commitment therapy.

After her undergraduate degree, she worked as a Kindergarten Psychologist at Rawdah Kids Language Academy. She has been working as a Research Assistant at the Khalil Center and the Mind School of Prof Medaim Yanik since 2021.

Psychotherapy Trainings:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy (CBT) Theoretical and Skill-Based Training, Association of Cognitive Psychotherapies
  • Education on Eating Disorders in Children and Adolescents, Dr. Hakan Öğütlü
  • CBT Education in Children and Adolescents, Prof. Dr. Vahdet Görmez
  • Child and Adolescent Psychopathology and Psychopharmacology Education, Prof. Dr. Mücahit Öztürk
  • Experiential Play Therapy (Level 1) Training, Nilüfer Devecigil
  • Traditional Islamically Integrated Psychotherapy (TIIP) Training, Dr. Hooman Keshavarzi
  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) Training, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hasan Turan Karatepe
  • Solution Focused Therapy Training, Asst. Prof. Dr. Nevin Dölek
  • Training on Evaluating the Psychological Functioning of the Child with Rorschach and TAT Tests, Rorschach and Projective Tests Association/Neslihan Zabcı
  • Projective Evaluation of Children's Drawings Training, Clinical Psychologist Funda Akkapulu Aydın