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Secrets to Coping with Exam Anxiety: Special Seminar for Students!

Secrets to Coping with Exam Anxiety: Special Seminar for Students!
Ibn Haldun University Psychotherapy Application and Research Center (IPAM) organized a seminar series to help young people cope with exam anxiety. The first seminar was held by IPAM Director and Expert Clinical Psychologist Dr. Submitted by Burcu Uysal. This seminar, which took place on May 8, 2024, was especially aimed at 11th and 12th grade students.

Test anxiety is a common and important problem in the lives of young people. In order to raise awareness on this issue and offer solutions, a seminar series was prepared by Ibn Haldun University Psychotherapy Application and Research Center (IPAM). The first of this chain of seminars was held by IPAM Director and Expert Clinical Psychologist Dr. Posted by Burcu Uysal. This seminar, which took place on May 8, 2024, was for 11th and 12th grade students.

In the seminar, comprehensive information was provided about ways for students to cope with exam anxiety and the underlying reasons for this anxiety. Dr. Uysal gave participants practical tips on reducing and controlling exam anxiety. Students were motivated to apply these tips in their daily lives.

The seminar was met with great interest and active participation from the students. Dr. Uysal answered the participants' questions and gave them valuable advice based on his personal experiences and expertise. At the end of the seminar, students were supported with practical applications such as breathing exercises.

Dr. Burcu Uysal emphasized that everyone struggling with exam anxiety should be supported and drew attention to the importance of such events. In the future, it is planned to bring this important issue to wider audiences by organizing similar events. IPAM will continue to support young people's psychological health and help them cope with difficulties such as test anxiety.
