Psychotherapy Application and Research Center (IPAM) organized two seminars for healthcare professionals on May 31, 2024 and June 6, 2024. In these seminars, Dr. who accepts adult clients in IPAM and also in the Department of Clinical Psychology at Ibn Haldun University. Working as a faculty member, Dr. Şeyda Eruyar gave training to healthcare professionals on "Stress Management".
At the beginning of the seminars, Dr. Şeyda Eruyar asked the participants to write down the three issues that stressed them the most. With this method, participants contributed to the interactive progress of the seminar by sharing stress sources specific to their business lines. Healthcare professionals expressed various stress factors such as intense work schedule, patient communication, and difficulties brought by professional expectations.
Dr. Şeyda Eruyar provided comprehensive information about stress management to the participants throughout the seminar. He emphasized that stress exists in every period of life and that the important thing is not to eliminate this stress completely, but to learn how to manage it. He explained in detail to the participants how to do breathing exercises that they can use to cope with stress. He stated that breathing exercises are an effective tool in reducing the physical and mental effects of stress.
During the training, participants were informed by Dr. They asked Şeyda Eruyar various questions. Dr. By answering these questions, Eruyar helped participants develop individual stress management strategies. Questions and answers strengthened the interactive and educational nature of the seminar.
The seminars aimed to increase healthcare professionals' skills in coping with stress and help them achieve a healthier and more balanced mood in their daily lives. Participants expressed their satisfaction with the seminars, stating that they could cope with stress more effectively with the knowledge and applied techniques they acquired.
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