On May 24, 2024, Assoc. Prof., one of the supervisors of the Psychotherapy Application and Research Center (IPAM). Dr. Hasan Turan Karatepe gave an important seminar for healthcare professionals. In this seminar, a training on "Stress Management" was held in order to understand the stress factors faced by healthcare professionals and learn how to manage them.
Assoc. Dr. Hasan Turan Karatepe questioned the sources of stress of healthcare professionals throughout the seminar and provided an interactive environment with the active participation of the participants. Healthcare professionals shared issues such as the intense workload of their profession, patient communication, and efforts to balance professional expectations with personal life as sources of stress.
During the training, detailed information was given on how to manage stress. Assoc. Dr. While giving information about the techniques and strategies that healthcare professionals can use to cope with stress, Karatepe also touched upon the issues of effective communication and improving problem-solving skills.
Healthcare professionals who attended the seminar supported each other by sharing their experiences, as well as receiving information about ways to cope with stress. This event was considered an important step aimed at helping healthcare professionals cope with stress more effectively.
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