On July 26, 2024, Dr. Training tour on "Recognizing Limits and the Art of Saying No" with the presentation of Burcu Uysal. In this training organized by Ibn Haldun University Psychotherapy Application and Research Center (IPAM), the importance of saying positive things and the ways to recognize them in the environment were explained.
Expert Clinical Psychologist and IPAM Director Dr. Burcu Uysal, in her presentation enriched with examples from daily life, discussed how people sometimes cannot say no to work in their busy life pace and how this can be overcome. During the training, important information about setting correct boundaries and developing the ability to say words was shared. Participants, Dr. They had the opportunity to learn Uysal's current information and the necessary steps to establish more balanced and healthy relationships in their daily lives. Dr. Thanks to Uysal's interactive and topic-focused approach, the training was extremely productive and positive feedback was received from those who attended.
This type of training contributes to helping women establish a more balanced and healthy agriculture in both their personal and professional lives. Individuals who protect their boundaries are healthier both physically and spiritually, and this expands their general life boundaries. Therefore, being able to say positive things and identifying and disseminating the developments is of great importance.
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